Desktop Frames

Premium Desktop Fine Art Framed Prints

Our Premium Desktop Frames are made with the same care and materials as all of our other framing options.

8”x10” Frame Size

  • Choose any frame molding

  • Choose any paper type

  • Choose between UV Acrylic and Museum Acrylic

  • Choose between an 8-Ply Matted 5x7 Print or a mounted 8x10 Print

Create a Custom Desktop Frame for your client that they can’t easily get anywhere else!

Archival 5x7 Desktop Print in 100% Cotton 8-Ply Mat

Finished Back with Tyvek Dustcover and sturdy Metal Stands

example of 2 desktop frames with different Acrylic

 Acrylic Display Sample

Want to show the difference between UV Acrylic and Museum Acrylic?

Get yourself a Desktop Sample where everything is the same except the Acrylic types.

Both Acrylics block 99% UV Light, but Museum Acrylic (right) has a glare reduction coating.

Select ‘Desktop Sample’ in the ordering system and receive 50% off both Desktop Frames!